Salisbury University students on campus

Mpox 2022

Updated Tuesday August 16, 2022

Salisbury University Student Health Services is currently monitoring the rise of mpox cases in the U.S. Currently there are around 200 cases in Maryland. While mpox has spread throughout the United States, the current risk to the general public still remains low. However, it is important to educate yourself about the virus.  

Mpox - what Is It?

Mpox is a rare disease caused by infection with the mpox virus. Mpox is part of the same family of viruses that cause smallpox, however much less severe and rarely fatal. It is not related to chickenpox.

What are the symptoms of mpox?

  • A rash that can be located on/near the genitals as well as the hands, feet, chest, face or mouth.
    • The rash can initially look like pimples or blisters that may be painful or itchy.
  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Swollen Lymph Nodes
  • Muscle Aches
  • Fatigue & Exhaustion
  • Respiratory symptoms of nasal congestion or cough
  • The illness typically lasts 2-4 weeks

How Is mpox spread?

Mpox can spread to anyone through close, personal, often skin-to-skin contact, including:

  • Direct contact with mpox rash, scabs or body fluids from a person with mpox.

It is important to note, this virus is less transmissible than chicken pox, measles or even COVID-19.

How do I prevent getting mpox?

Reducing or avoiding close contact behaviors that increase risk of mpox exposure. If you or or someone you may have close contact with, has mpox or you think you may have mpox, the best way to protect yourself and others is to avoid close contact or sex of any kind that could result in the exchange of bodily fluids.  This would include (oral, anal, vaginal) and kissing or touching one another’s bodies—while you are sick.  Especially avoid touching any rash. Do not share things like towels, food utensils, cups, fetish gear, sex toys, and toothbrushes.

How do I treat mpox?

There is no cure for mpox once exposed and positive. Please use supportive treatments measures such as rest and hydration. Vaccines are currently very limited nationally, we are continuously working in conjunction with our local and state health department as we continue to monitor the virus.

What should you do if you are exposed to mpox or experiencing symptoms?

Please contact Student Health Services, your health care provider or local health department if you are experiencing symptoms or if you have been exposed to mpox. Health care providers can provide testing and care for people who are diagnosed with mpox. Please continue to refer to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevent for continuous updates.  

Who can I talk to?

We understand that news of a new infectious disease on top of the last few years of the COVID-19 pandemic can be concerning and result in feelings of anxiousness and uncertainty. Campus mental health resources are available to students at the Student Counseling Center or via TimelyCare.

For additional information, please use the links provided below: