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Professor awarded Maryland Math ADEPT grant

SALISBURY, MD ----Dr. Harel Barzilai of Salisbury University's Department of Mathematics and Computer Science has been awarded a $95,000 Maryland Math ADEPT grant from the Maryland Higher Education Commission (MHEC) to expand courses for in-service middle school teachers.

The grant complements an existing three-year $513,000 grant, the Allied Delmarva Enhancement Program for Teachers (Math ADEPT) from the National Science Foundation (NSF) previously awarded to Barzilai and Dr. Homer Austin, also of the Mathematics Department.

The two grants have enabled SU to create a suite of eight graduate level mathematics courses for middle school teachers. These eight courses will serve as a core for a proposed Master of Science in math education, the department's first ever master's program, currently in the approval process.

The MHEC grant culminates in a summer 2003 capstone workshop for area teachers. The workshop will be co-designed by Barzilai along with Drs. Don Cathcart and Don Spickler of the Mathematics Department, who designed and taught the two MHEC-sponsored courses this academic year.

The courses sponsored by MHEC and NSF have either free tuition, or other incentives, and area educators are encouraged to contact Barzilai for more information at or 410-543-6471.