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SU's Spring Fulton Faculty Colloquium Speakers Announced

SU's Spring Fulton Faculty Colloquium Speakers Announced

By SU Public Relations

SALISBURY, MD---Faculty in Salisbury University’s Charles R. and Martha N. Fulton School of Liberal Arts share their research and expertise during this semester’s Fulton Faculty Colloquium series.

Presentations are 3:30 p.m. the first Tuesday of each month in Conway Hall Room 152. Speakers and topics include:

  • February 3 - Dr. Ignaciyas “Keetha” Soosaipillai (Conflict Analysis and Dispute Resolution): “Why Do Rebels Walk Away and from Peace Negotiations?: Negotiation Strategies of Sri Lanka’s Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam,” and Dr. Brian Polkinghorn (Conflict Analysis and Dispute Resolution): “Research Results on Worldwide Growth and Opportunity Trends Impacting Students Entering the Conflict Analysis and Intervention Field”
  • Tuesday, March 4 - Dr. Michael McCarty (History and Asian Studies): “Tracing the Outbreak of a War in Medieval Japan,” and Dr. Ross Leasure (English): “Seeing the Future in the Viking Age: One Sage’s Saga Under [Re-]Construction"
  • Tuesday, April 1 - Dr. Yuriy Petrushenko (Institute for Public Affairs and Civic Engagement [PACE] Visiting International Scholar): “Why Is Civic Reflection Important for Ukraine?” and Dr. Sarah Surak (Political Science): “You’ll Never Waste Alone: A Political Theory of Garbage”
  • Tuesday, May 6 – Bill Wolff (Art): “Public Art, Community and Cross-Cultural Collaboration,” and Dr. Shane Hall (Environmental Studies): “War by Other Means: Environmental Violence in the 21st Century”

Admission is free and the public is invited. Those planning to park on campus must register in advance for a free parking pass.  

For more information call 410-543-6450.

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