Salisbury University students on campus

Salisbury University Recycling Program

Recycling is a key component of waste management and sustainability efforts. Salisbury University created its Recycling Program in 1980. Since 2012, approximately 50 percent of all campus waste is recycled. Salisbury University is committed to the Maryland Recycling Act* and becoming a zero-waste campus. Source reduction efforts, like our GIVE&GO project, Residential Paper Recycling Bags project, and Recycle Madness events are fully supported by the university.  These programs promote a personal investment in sustainability, reduction of greenhouse gas production, and diversions of common landfill garbage into the recycling stream.

*The Maryland Recycling Act (MRA) requires all Counties and Baltimore City to recycle 15% or 20% of their municipal solid waste, depending on population. State government (including MDE) is required to recycle 20% of their solid waste.

SU Recycling News!

spinning circle

SU Recycling Upcoming Events

Coastal Cleanup Event

Recycling Costal Cleanup Poster CoverSaturday, September 14 | 9 a.m.- 11 p.m

Assateague State Park

Please take screenshot of registration form thank you message and provide your SU GullCard for Free Park Access at Assateague State Park ticket booth.

Register Now!

Biannual Give & Go Donation Drive Thru Event

Friday, December 6 | 7 a.m.- 2:30 p.m

105 Power Street

Items must be cleaned and gently used. Items in bad condition will not be accepted. Unopened/unexpired food & beverages will be taken to Food for the Flock.

Learn More Give & Go Donation Drive


Where does Salisbury University’s recycling go?

Watch for a quick tour!

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