2024 Facilities Master Plan
The Salisbury University Facilities Master Plan (FMP) is a framework for the physical growth and change of Salisbury University over the next 10 years based on projected enrollment, growth and space needs. The planning process, data collection and analysis are currently underway for the 2024 master plan. Upcoming capital projects will be identified and others will be suggested in the final FMP. The master plan does not attempt to design projects, but it will provide a conceptual site plan, illustrating the proposed development for campus. This FMP will provide a fresh look at the campus’ facilities and infrastructure needs and is not based upon previous master plans. Unique to this plan is a focus on strengthening the academic core campus experience, reinforcing athletics and recreation on east campus, connecting our main, east and downtown campuses safely, developing amenities to support town and gown, creating prominent campus gateways and improving brand identity.
Master Plan Findings Presentation - February, 2025
- Findings Presentation (pending)
Share your feedback or request more information: FMPteam@salisbury.edu