Syllabus Template
ID&D provides a Syllabus template that includes required and suggested components of a syllabus according to the Faculty Handbook as well as guidelines from Quality Matters (for hybrid, remote and online courses).
Course instructors should check with their academic units for consistency across their programs.
Salisbury University has consolidated all university-wide syllabus statements and student support resources on the central SU Course-related Policies and Resources page which is updated annually. The SU Course-related POlicies and Resources page is automatically added to the course menu in all MyClasses courses. Instructors can therefore include in their syllabus the following statement:
Salisbury University expects that all students have read and understood all of the Course-Related University Policies and Resources and thereby agree to honor these standards. Important course-related policies and resources include, but are not limited to:
- Course registration add/drop/withdraw period
- Academic Misconduct Policy
- University Writing Across the Curriculum requirement
- University resources such as the SU Cares, SU Libraries, Disability Resource Center, Center for Student Achievement, and University Writing Center
These policies and procedures constitute a commitment by the faculty member to students and must be followed throughout the semester.