Major: Biology – Biomedical Science Track
Minors: Chemistry & Cognitive Science
Honors and activities: Clarke Honors College, Honors Ambassador, Clark Lab, Henson Summer Research Fellow, Henson Student Leadership Advisory Council, Global Issues Fellow, Human Anatomy & Physiology and Cell Biology Tutor, American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Phi Etma Sigma, Phi Kappa Phi, Beta Beta Beta
Office Hours: Thursdays: 12:15 - 2:15 p.m.
Engaging in undergraduate research at SU has truly enriched my college experience. I became aware of the possibility of conducting research through the Clarke Honors College during my first year at SU. Soon after, I was accepted into the lab of Dr. Jessica Clark, where I continue to study how hyperglycemia impacts the integrity of the optic nerve using a zebrafish model. This project has deepened my understanding of neuroscience as well as allowed me to engage with techniques that are not traditionally offered to undergraduates, such as zebrafish husbandry, cryosectioning, and live imaging. In addition, this project and its associated experiences, such as presenting at SUSRC, or participating as a Summer Research Fellow, has had a significant impact on my future plans. I now aspire to attend graduate school to further my studies in neuroscience. I became an Undergraduate Research Fellow to help other students understand the value of conducting undergraduate research, and how to get involved.