Dining Services
If you are hungry, we can help you! Whether you live on campus or off, we can provide you with great food and exceptional service. You can choose from seven dining locations within walking distance of campus housing and classrooms. We offer traditional choices, ethnic and international cuisine and an abundance of vegetarian, low-fat and gluten-free options. Find what food fits you with our wide variety of meal plans and the opportunity to discuss your personal needs with our staff dietitian.
Our Dining Options
Allergy Statement
Salisbury University relies on our vendors' allergy warnings and ingredient listings. Because we operate a commercial kitchen where ingredient substitutions, recipe revisions and cross-contact with allergens is possible, Salisbury University cannot guarantee that any food item will be completely free of allergens.

Salisbury University Dining Services is a proud member of the National Association of College Auxiliary Services (NACAS) & The National Association of College & University Food Services (NACUFS)