maroon wave

Social Work Club Makes Donation Toward Proposed Children's Advocacy Center

SALISBURY, MD--The Salisbury State University Social Work Club’s celebration of March as Social Work Month has been clouded by the recent publicity about the deaths of children already known to be at risk.

One possible solution to this problem was described by Sgt. Steve Mathews from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Department in a recent speech to the club. In cooperation with the Wicomico Partnership For Families and Children, Mathews is proposing a new Salisbury-based child advocacy center called “Our Children’s Place.” It would bring together under one roof representatives from all of the agencies which serve abused and neglected children, promoting efficiency in investigations and following through when abuse is reported.

Under the current arrangement children may have to tell their stories as many as six times as various police and social services agencies get involved. Mathews declined a $75 honorarium for his presentation and asked the Social Work Club to make that contribution one of the first donations for the creation of the center.

For more information contact Social Work Club President Tina Hall (daughter of Sue Hall of Elkton, MD) at 410-548-2939 or Dr. Robert Long, faculty advisor, at 410-543-6308.