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TEDCO Showcase Brings Technology Scholars to SU March 23

SALISBURY, MD---Eight representatives of Salisbury University are among the presenters during the Maryland Technology Development Corp.’s (TEDCO) Lower Shore Technology Showcase at SU’s Devilbiss Hall from 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Tuesday, March 23. “This technology showcase, the first of its kind on the Lower Eastern Shore, is truly a landmark event,” said Dr. Tom Jones, dean of SU’s Richard A. Henson School of Science and Technology. “On this day, we will bring together interested businesses and entrepreneurs to hear about the exciting and ever increasing technological capabilities and research of our local universities and state and federal agencies that can be translated into new clean high-tech businesses here on the Eastern Shore or elsewhere.” Scholars from SU, NASA and other technology-related organizations throughout the state are participating in the showcase, titled “Technology Applications for the Business Community: Biological, Environmental and Space Science.” Dr. Elizabeth Papish of SU’s Chemistry Department opens the first discussion session at 9:45 a.m., presenting “Transition Metal Complexes for Catalytic Hydrolysis of Phosphotriester Pesticides.” The lecture focuses on practical applications, catalyst design and mechanism elucidation. Dr. Katherine Miller of the Chemistry Department speaks during the same session on “Predicting the Success of Wetland Construction Using Microbial Communities.” The discussion focuses on profiling established wetland communities using fatty acid methylester analysis and laboratory models for testing soil amendments. During the second session, from 10:45-11:30 a.m., Drs. Mark Frana and Elichia Venso of the Biological Sciences Department present “Bacterial Source Tracking Using Antibiotic Resistance Analysis." They speak on how to determine sources of fecal contamination of impaired tidal and non-tidal waters in Maryland, statistical analysis of likely sources such as wildlife and livestock, and information used in determination of the bacterial total, as well as daily maximum loads of bacteria in the state’s waterways. Dr. William Moore, dean of the Franklin P. Perdue School of Business, serves as the moderator for the panel discussion “Financing Technology Development” from noon-12:45 p.m. Participants include Dr. Memo Diriker, director of SU’s Business, Economic and Community Outreach Network (BEACON), and John Hickman, director of the Small Business Development Center at SU. According to Diriker, the knowledge shared during the showcase could help businesses avoid pitfalls in the future: "The roads that lead from the ideas behind scientific and technological innovations to commercial success stories are frequently uncharted; and happen to be full of potholes and dead-ends. This showcase will do much more than simply bring together the idea people and their potential business partners. More importantly, the showcase will give these partners access to many experienced guides who can help them avoid taking the wrong turns and falling into those unforgiving potholes."  Dr. Mark Holland of the Biological Sciences Department is the final SU presenter at the conference, speaking on “Strategies for the Improvement of Plant Performance and Nutrition Using a Common Symbiotic Bacterium” during the third session from 12:45-1:30 p.m. Specializing in the research of “pink bacteria,” Holland’s topics include increased germination, growth improvements, yield gains and altered nutritional quality consistent with bacterial enhancement. TEDCO is a division of the Maryland Department of Business and Economic Development, based in Columbia, MD. Cost of the showcase is $40 per person, and advance registration is required. For more information call 410-715-4166 or visit the TEDCO Web site at