maroon wave

Dr. Michael Waters Publishes Essay "Fork and Spoon" this Spring

SALISBURY, MD---Dr. Michael Waters of the Salisbury University English Department will have an essay, “Fork and Spoon,” published in September 11, 2001: American Writers Respond, due this spring from Etruscan Press.

Ten days after the tragedy, a number of American writers were asked for essays “on the origins and implications of the grief and anger and dread now engulfing us.” In addition to Waters, other writers whose work was solicited and who have contributed to the book include John Updike, Maxine Hong Kingston, Denis Johnson, Erica Jong, Wendell Berry, Joy Harjo, Richard Wilbur, Lucille Clifton and Robert Pinsky.

A poet, Waters has published essays in a number of journals, including North Dakota Quarterly, The World and I and The Baltimore Sun. Last year he published three books, including Parthenopi: New and Selected Poems. He is a recipient of SU’s 2001-2002 Distinguished Faculty Award.