maroon wave

Commencement Speaker: student Dana Marie Perdue

SALISBURY, MD--Dana Marie Perdue, an elementary education major from Salisbury, delivers the student commencement address at Salisbury State University's graduation exercises on Saturday, May 27, at 10 a.m. at the Wicomico Youth and Civic Center.

In her speech, Perdue, daughter of Lewis and Carol V. Perdue of Salisbury, blends blissful reminisces with and energized, enthusiastic vision of the future for her fellow Class of 2000 graduates:

"... These memories include the night before exam cram sessions, building relationships with each professor, and those unanswered questions we all have. Would I really fail if I didn't run in the rain for my walk/jog class? How many Mountain Dews does my history professor drink in a day? Did my Spanish professor know that I was reading the subtitles to Fresca y Chocolate? Some questions will always remain unanswered.

"...We are graduating from a school that holds prestige in its name. It is time to enjoy the reward of all the work we have accomplished at SSU. The reward includes using our education to establish a career that satisfies our desire for happiness and stability."

Perdue, who minors in Spanish, graduates summa cum laude with an overall grade point average of 3.8. She is a member of Phi Kappa Phi honor society (top 5 percent of the junior class) and Kappa Delta Pi education honor society, included in Who's Who Among American College Students and recipient of the All-American Scholar award.

She was captain of the SSU cheerleading squad and coached cheerleading at Salisbury Christian School. She was selected as the first full-time paid team mascot for the Delmarva Shorebirds, entertaining fans before and during games of the Class A minor league baseball team.

A member of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes at Salisbury State, she is an active volunteer with Sonlife Community Church and Wicomico Presbyterian Church.

Perdue completed her student teaching at Pittsville Elementary (third grade) and Fruitland Intermediate (fifth grade).

Admission to SSU's commencement is by ticket only. For more information please call the Salisbury State Public Relations Office at 410-543-6030.