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Alumni Association International Makes Donation to Establish Alumni Work Information Network (WIN)

SALISBURY, MD--The Alumni Association-International Inc. (AA-I) recently made a donation to the Salisbury State University Alumni Association to put the alumni Work Information Network (WIN) online, a database of alumni volunteers willing to offer students and other alumni career information and/or provide assistance with a job search.

Salisbury based Beacon Technologies will convert the database and host it on one of its servers. This conversion will allow students and alumni to network easily on-line, and allow alumni to update their job information as their career paths change.

In attendance at the grant presentation were (left-right): Dr. Joel M. Jones, SSU interim president; Dr. Rebecca Emery, director of career services; Karen Leimann, immediate past president of the SSU Alumni Association; Pat Donahue, president, AA-I; Dana Seiler, president, Beacon Technologies; Shelley Wetzel, SSU director of Web development; and Jerry Waldron, SSU chief information officer.