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Project Management Group Sponsors Transportation Forum Sept. 23

SALISBURY, MD--The Project Management Group, an outreach entity of the Franklin P. Perdue School of Business at Salisbury State University, hosts a Forum on Regional Transportation, Thursday, September 23, from 9-11 a.m., in the SSU Commons Worcester Room. Registration is required.

The Lower Eastern Shore faces significant transportation challenges, particularly to those without a car. The current transportation options do not add up to a coordinated, effective and cost-efficient system that adequately supports the growing regional economy.

A regional transportation planning effort has been initiated by a tri-county coalition comprising Wicomico Transit, Worcester County Ride, the Lower Shore Private Industry Council and the departments of Social Services of Somerset, Wicomico and Worcester counties. The planning effort began this summer and continue into spring 2000. Those involved include transportation users, employers, elected officials and state and local administrators. The goal is to prepare a master plan for regional transportation, that will serve as a blueprint for implementing a system that better meets regional needs.

To register for the forum contact the Project Management Group at 410-548-5353 or Fax: 410-219-2848.