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Parenting Classes Begin Dec. 7

SALISBURY, MD--Parents facing the wrenching transition of separation or divorce can now get invaluable assistance in helping their children cope with the grief and anger of a family breakup. The Center for Conflict Resolution at Salisbury State University co-parenting seminars continue on Mondays, December 7 and 14 from 6-9 p.m. The seminars are aimed at educating parents on how divorce affects children of different ages and how they can ease the change to a two-household family with communication and cooperation.

Dr. I. Eugene White, assistant professor of psychology at Salisbury State University and certified parenting seminar trainer, and M. Eileen Matlack, Ph.D. and director of the CARES (Children At Risk Educationally and Socially) program at Bennett Middle School in Salisbury, will lead the seminars.

Seminars are also scheduled, January 11 and 25, and February 15 and 22. Seminars for children and adolescents will start in the spring.

Taking place at the Center for Conflict Resolution, 1100 Camden Avenue, the cost is $100 per two-night seminar per person. To register for the co-parenting education seminars, or for more information, call 410-219-2873.