maroon wave

Family Weekend October 23-25

SALISBURY, MD--Salisbury State University's Family Weekend 1998 will bring as many as 1,000 people here Friday, October 23, to Sunday, October 25 for activities that enable students to share with their families the cultural, academic and culinary attractions of University life. Many of the weekend's events are free.

"We consider Family Weekend to be an essential part of the freshman experience," said Lawanda Dockins-Gordy, director of New Student Experience and the Guerrieri University Center. "The University experience is often a family endeavor. Family Weekend is an opportunity for family and friends to share in what's happening on campus."

Family Weekend begins Friday night with comedians DC Benny and Macio, a performance sponsored by the Student Organization for Activity Planning (SOAP). Registration for Family Weekend activities is from 9-10 a.m. Saturday at the Guerrieri University Center, where families can also meet the provost, deans, alumni, faculty and student affairs staff during an open house. A welcome program will take place from 10-10:45 a.m., a Career Services open house from 10-11:30 a.m., and a book fair in the Atrium Gallery from 10 a.m.-4 p.m.

Parents will also have the opportunity to learn about SSU's Alcohol Task Force and its initiatives, about the New Student Seminar outdoor programs, and about the campus. They'll be able to cheer on the Sea Gull football team, cycle through Salisbury to the Ward Museum of Wildfowl Art, and attend a reception at the Yousuf Karsh exhibit in the University Gallery. The weekend concludes Sunday with a men's soccer game and a Juilliard recital.

For information about Family Weekend 1998 at Salisbury State University, call the Guerrieri University Center at 410-543-6100.