maroon wave

Sebert Exhibit at SU Through March 31

RorschachSALISBURY, MD---The Guerrieri University Center Art Space hosts the exhibit “Rorschach” by Salisbury University senior Thomas Sebert through Tuesday, March 31.

Pursuing his B.F.A. with a concentration in photography, Sebert was born in Annapolis and raised in Pasadena, MD. His attention to detail led him to enjoy working in abstraction.

“As an artist, I have chosen a path that embraces the untapped, aesthetic potential of the atypical and abstract,” he said. “My pieces capture elements of everyday life and routine, and display them in a manner that renders them almost unrecognizable. By utilizing abstract techniques, one can manipulate a subject or concept, experiment with its characteristics, and ultimately, blur the lines between reality and perception.

“My goal is to bring attention to objects and ideas that are typically overlooked, discarded, or simply ignored, and portray their true essence and aesthetic potential. My pieces are abundant in contrasting forms and lines, whose collisions, intersections, and combinations allow for a new, greater image.

“My desire is for each viewer to see them in their own way. In this sense, my art resembles the Rorschach inkblot test – while the same image can be shown to multiple people, each will interpret the image differently. This approach allows my audience to ‘participate’ in my artwork. I most appreciate when I hear others share their ideas about my art – particularly, their ideas for titles and subject matter. Such experiences allow me to look at my art in new ways.”

The Art Space is located in the Guerrieri Center’s second-floor concourse. Admission is free and the public is invited. For more information call 410-543-6247 or visit the Art Space website at