maroon wave

Pie a Person Fundraiser to Support Help Health and Outreach Point of Entry April 30

Pie in the  FaceSALISBURY, MD---Help Health and Outreach Point of Entry (HOPE) by throwing a pie at a Salisbury University student, faculty member or administrator, or a community business owner during a Pie a Person fundraiser from noon-3 p.m. Thursday, April 30, in Red Square.

Donation levels are $3-$10, depending on the person pied. Those unable to attend the event in person may donate online at

HOPE is a non-profit organization providing medical assistance and safe spaces for the homeless, elderly, disabled and those at or below the poverty level. Its office, located at Wicomico Presbyterian Church, 129 Broad St., is open from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Mondays and Fridays.

For more information on HOPE visit For more information about the event call Jerrad Pawar at 973-459-8093.