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Michael Waters Travels as Poet-in-Residence  

SALISBURY, MD -- Dr. Michael Waters, professor of English in the Charles R. and Martha N. Fulton School of Liberal Arts at Salisbury State University, recently taught on the faculty of the Catskill Poetry Workshop at Hartwick College in Oneonta, NY. Waters gave two public readings from his work, conducted a workshop, held manuscript conferences with students and delivered a lecture, "The Integrity of the Line."

During July Waters also participated in the Prague Summer Seminars, sponsored jointly by the University of New Orleans and Charles University (Czech Republic). During the seminars Waters gave a public reading from his work and held manuscript conferences with students in the Master of Fine Arts program.

During August, Waters was Poet-in-Residence at The Writers’ Center at Chautauqua in western New York, where he gave a public reading from his work, taught a series of classes titled, "Democracy and the Line," conducted five workshops and gave a public lecture, "Material Girl: Toni Morrison’s Beloved."