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Guerrieri Art Space Presents 'Narrative in a Frame' June 1-30

Megan BurakSALISBURY, MD---The Guerrieri University Center Art Space hosts the exhibit “Narrative in a Frame” by Salisbury University senior Megan Burak through Tuesday, June 30.

The Pittsburgh native, who moved to Maryland’s Eastern Shore at age 5, is majoring in art with a concentration in two-dimensional art. Working mostly in oil, she describes herself as a contemporary realist painter. She uses herself as the model for most of her paintings, often fully or partially covering her face.

“I was not born with the innate sense to become an artist,” she said. “In fact, there are days when I have to force myself to pick up a paintbrush at all. But sometimes I feel like I need to tell a story … and words are just not enough.

“Over the last couple of years, I have been searching for a style of painting that suits me. My recent work has been moving toward a more realistic approach, as I find it aesthetically pleasing to try to recreate reality. My process usually involves taking a few days to come up with a concept and researching other artists’ work for inspiration on composition and style.

“I then stage myself in different places, positions and atmospheres as a sort of photo-shoot for the painting. I take full advantage of technology to composite my photographs and sketches.

“Though I tend to use myself in my art, anonymity is very important. Usually, my face is not shown or partly covered up in order to convey a sense of insecurity to the viewer. The unique perceptions of realism by artists like Pamela Wilson, Lee Price and Alyssa Monks influence me to continue to develop my skills and leave lasting work in the world.”

The Art Space is located in the Guerrieri Center’s second-floor concourse. Admission is free and the public is invited. For more information call 410-543-6247 or visit the Art Space website at