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School of Education Receives NCATE Accreditation

SALISBURY, MD---Salisbury State University's Seidel School of Education and Professional Studies recently received accreditation of teacher education and school personnel programs under the performance- oriented standards of the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE), the organization responsible for professional accreditation of teacher education programs.

Some of the nation's 1,200 colleges and universities that train teachers are accredited by NCATE. Those institutions produce two-thirds of the nation's new teacher graduates.

Accreditation standards emphasize teacher performance. They focus on what teacher candidates know and are able to do, and expect candidates to demonstrate specific skills. Multiple types of performance assessment are expected throughout the program of study, and candidate competence is assessed prior to the completion of the program.

Meeting NCATE accreditation standards also helps institutions prepare new teachers for new, more rigorous licensing standards in many states. For full story Shelley please insert link to NCATE original article here.